Monday, September 7, 2009

Foster Care

We have started the process of becoming foster parents. We have done two sets of classes, had two home visits, fingerprints, and some paperwork. We are not moving to quickly with the paperwork we still have quite a bit to do. The paperwork seems so daunting. Oh well a little at a time. I still need to do a CPR class. We are excited and nervous about this journey. The unknown always makes you a little nervous.

1 comment:

Mama said...

Kyle and I have been thinking about foster care or foster to adopt lately too. Now that we've already adopted an infant we don't have that intense desire to experience all of the "firsts" and just want to be parents again. At first we balked at adopting through the foster care system b/c we didn't want any new son or daughter's adoption to not be as open as Hannah's and them feel left out, but the more research I've done I've realized that there are many children who have a stipulation placed on their adoption that ties be kept with various biological family members. This actually can make them HARDER to adopt since many prospective adoptive parents don't want to have the added relationships to worry about, but that is exactly what we want! So, now we are doing even more research into the process and hope to start soon.
Fellow IAC alumn

PS. Ashley is absolutely adorable! I also love seeing her picture updates.